Friday 18 October 2013


Okay, so I had college today. yay me. I had Law first and it was quite fun cause I had the good teacher who brings in this fake axe and casually pretends to kill us.. fun :) I then had a two hour and 30 min break which felt like forever. But my mate Alfred met me in the canteen which was fun cause his a bit weird and then so did my friend Mary & Tom! i love tom his so funny and cute, quite good looking too ;) haha me and Mary left them to be weird and went to the computers where she did some work while I went on youtube to watch the Janoskians cause OMG THEY ARE PERFECT and watching old one direction diaries omg emotional!

I then had English 0.0 I HATE MY TEACHER well the woman one she moans at me for everything I do and always calls my mum and im like -.- piss off. but then with have the dude called Gary his so laid back and casual about everything! but i had her today so yay. we was just listening to music today so it was alright i guess.
Straight after i had Sociology, my teacher is a complete nutter. I mean she would just blabba on about everything and anything we ended up talking about arousing and stuff which was kinda awkward but funny cause she didnt mean to say it. we was all late to that lesson cause like we was all hungry so went mcdonalds. YUMMYYYYYYY!

Im at home now at the moment watching deadly 60 with my little bro and the mother. shes home cause she had hand surgery thing so shes home for the next two weeks.
Chilling with my cat Bowie. we have four cats - ozzy (ozzy osbourne), Binx (cat from hocus pocus), Leo (Leonardo Dicaprio), Bowie (David Bowie). we have awesome cats



Heyy, my name well is kinda secret atm until I get used to this whole blogging thing. I am 16 and I love youtubers, gaming, reading, drawing and you know other interesting things 0.o

This blog is going to be about random things such as:
The Janoskians
One Direction
The Vamps
Some Girls
Dylan O'Brien
Things I like and dislike
Maybe a advise column
Answering Questions
My Opinions
And other random shit :)

I hope you guys enjoy just something to do when you're bored hahah